
ready and waiting...

39 weeks

I had my weekly appointment this morning and since I wasn't feeling any different I decided to not even get checked. My midwife was fine with it and said all is looking good for me still, we're just anxiously awaiting something to start. I'm pretty sure I've "dropped" but it's so hard for me to tell since I've been carrying so high all along...who knows?!

Since my appointment was at 7am and done by 7:15, I convinced Brad we should go out to breakfast for "one last hurrah" before baby makes an appearance. He of course went along with it, and I celebrated my no weight gain from 39-40 weeks (this was especially exciting based on my weight gain - which I care not to mention - from 38-39 weeks!) with a giant carrot cake pancake from First Watch. It was delicious. Brad drops me off at work afterwards and I settle in to work, wondering what the breakfast being cooked in our office is for. My co-worker Heather (also pregnant)  informed me our boss Debbie was having some sort of breakfast meeting so I thought nothing more of it. Then it's announced for everyone to meet in the large conference room - I've mentioned on here before that I am one of 5 (now 6 as of this afternoon's announcement!) pregnant women in my office, and I've also mentioned how wonderful my employers are - well this was a surprise shower for the 5 of us complete with Chris Cakes, fun presents, games and of course they had the husbands in on it too! Needless to say, Brad is a great secret keeper and baby & I were absolutely stuffed after our 2nd breakfast!

guessing the baby food flavors

 "vocon 5" modeling our "vocon mama" robes

the newest member of the pregnancy club joins our afternoon photoshoot!
10 weeks, 14 weeks, 18 weeks (with twins!) 22 weeks, 34 weeks & 40

"vocon 6"


so close!

I had my weekly appointment with Colleen last Wednesday and all's looking good! I was 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced which I wish meant something but as with everything in pregnancy (so it seems) all this means is my body's preparing for labor and that I could have the baby tonight or it could be 2 weeks still! Besides lots of braxton hicks (or so I think they are at least?) I'm feeling great! I go back tomorrow, so let's hope there's been progress! We can't wait to meet this little one!

My best friend Kimmie & I at her baby shower - she's 32 weeks, I'm 38!


patiently waiting

I think we're ready. We have the nursery completed, all the clothes & blankets washed and ready to go, the carseat installed, a few meals and loaves of banana & zucchini bread packed away in our freezer and the hospital bag packed. Now I'm slowly but surely finishing up my "things to do before baby arrives" list which includes things like finishing my wedding album & washing down the walls - you know things that have been on my to do list for years but for some reason seem urgent now.

I originally intended to make the embroidery hoop art you see pictured above the changing table into a mobile to hang above the crib, but we just couldn't figure out how to securely hang it properly without worrying it would fall on the baby, so above the changer they went, I think I like them there even better though!

Everything seems to have fallen into place for us work & daycare-wise too. I will be returning to work in January (after my 3 month maternity leave) and I plan to work 4 days/week. Since I am one of 5, yes 5 (with the potential of a few more!) pregnant women at work, we have been asked to return on a full time basis. Luckily I work for a great company that stresses the importance of "family first" so as long as we get 40 hours a week in, they don't care how we do it. So in an ideal world I will work 4 days and then catch up on anything from home on my 3 days off. We met with our babysitter last week and absolutely love her. Her name is Lora, she lives a street away from us and currently watches one other little girl, Lily, who is 18 months old. She is Italian and speaks only Italian to Lily (anyone who knows me knows how perfect this is for me!) she asked if this was okay for our baby, which of course it is, I feel like we will need to pay her extra for the Italian lessons!

So now we're just patiently awaiting the arrival of the baby. Brad and I both feel like I'll go right on time (October 1st), but not sure if that might just be wishful thinking :) Other than feeling enormous, I'm still feeling absolutely great so I hope that continues these next few weeks!

36 weeks