
29 weeks!

I think it's finally setting in, now that I have the big ol' belly to prove it and baby Hutch is constantly reminding me of his presence with a kick here or jab there, the fact that there is a baby in there, our baby, is starting to feel real! I had an appointment with our midwife yesterday and she said all looked good, as far as she could tell baby was head down so hopefully it will stay that way! We've had a busy summer thus far and time has escaped me as of late. I can't believe in just a few short months baby Hutch will be here!

The nursery is starting to come together - Brad picked up the crib and changer the other night, we're just waiting on the crib hardware then we'll be able to set it up and I'll be able to do the fun decorating part! We have a mini vacation planned to Michigan next week with Brad's side of the family and we plan to make a stop at Ikea to check out their rocking chairs. Other than that, we're set furniture wise and then I'll just need to finish all the little nursery projects I've put on the backburner this summer!


Kristen said...

Oh gosh, you're so adorable! I wish I had looked that cute when I was pregnant!

We are excited for you guys!

Are you having a boy? (you were referring to baby H as a "he"...)

sarah said...

Kristen, you're too sweet!

I try to interchange him/her since we don't know what we're having and I feel bad saying 'it' all the time! Right now I have about 15 people thinking it'll be a girl and only 3 on the boy team...we shall see!

Anonymous said...

Nannie saids, she hopes she is one of the three. Also Nannie hopes she can come over and watch mommy add the final touches on the nursery

You look wonderful.


sarah waltjen said...

you look great, sarah!!!

sarah said...

Of course you can come see the nursery mom :)!

Thanks sarah!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, you look so great! I have to some see that nursery in my favorite color! Love, jenna